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The New York Times: The PIER 39 Sea Lions Haven't Always Been There
January 23, 2020
- Climate change
The PIER 39 Sea Lions Haven't Always Been There
Published by The New York Times: January 23, 2020
If you grew up in California, but not in the Bay Area, it is likely that some of your earliest memories of San Francisco involve visiting Pier 39. And whether you enjoyed or feared wildlife, it’s likely that you remember seeing the sea lions.
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{"image":"\/Animals\/Patients\/California sea lions\/2024\/csl-autumn-photo-by-chris-deimler-c-the-marine-mammal-center.jpg","alt":"A California sea lion with a small satellite tag on its back walks on a rocky beach toward the ocean.","title":"From Treating Sick Sea Lions to Tracking Them in the Wild: Follow Autumn","link_url":"https:\/\/www.marinemammalcenter.org\/news\/from-treating-sick-sea-lions-to-tracking-them-in-the-wild-follow-autumn","label":"Patient Update","date":"2025-02-27 15:23:46"}

Patient Update
From Treating Sick Sea Lions to Tracking Them in the Wild: Follow Autumn
February 27, 2025
Read More{"image":"\/Animals\/Patients\/California sea lions\/2024\/cropped-images\/csl-pinger-entanglement-photo-by-bill-hunnewell-c-the-marine-mammal-center-119-0-1270-992-1740529371.jpg","alt":"An entangled California sea lion with a netting material around its neck. ","title":"What it Takes to Rescue an Entangled Sea Lion","link_url":"https:\/\/www.marinemammalcenter.org\/news\/what-it-takes-to-rescue-an-entangled-sea-lion","label":"News Update","date":"2025-02-27 02:00:00"}

{"image":"\/People\/Action\/Response\/cropped-images\/pygmy-sperm-whale-necropsy-pismo-beach-321-0-1270-992-1740076440.jpg","alt":"experts examining stranded pygmy sperm whale","title":"KMPH: Dead pygmy sperm whale washes ashore at Pismo Beach","link_url":"https:\/\/www.marinemammalcenter.org\/news\/kmph-dead-pygmy-sperm-whale-washes-ashore-at-pismo-beach","label":"In the News","date":"2025-02-19 01:00:00"}

{"image":"\/Animals\/Wild\/Guadalupe fur seal\/cropped-images\/gfs-wild-photo-by-marc-webber-193-0-1270-992-1739906952.jpg","alt":"A Guadalupe fur seal floats in the water with its flippers raised. ","title":"Your Visual Guide to Sea Lion and Seal Behavior","link_url":"https:\/\/www.marinemammalcenter.org\/news\/your-visual-guide-to-sea-lion-and-seal-behavior","label":"News Update","date":"2025-02-18 02:00:00"}

Adam Ratner
California Sea Lion